Ansible Generate Ssh Key For User

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What is ansible-user?

Ansible Generate Ssh Key For User Password

  • Authorizedkey – Adds or removes an SSH authorized key The official documentation on the authorizedkey module. Group – Add or remove groups The official documentation on the group module. Winuser – Manages local Windows user accounts The official documentation on the winuser module.
  • SSH Key based authentication setup using ansible. In this post, we are going to see how to enable the SSH key-based authentication between two remote servers using ansible by creating and exchanging the keys. We are going to use ansible built-in modules like Shell and Copy and Fetch and most importantly authorizedkey.
  • Aug 14, 2015 Install Ansible on the host that you’ll use to target each of the Linux host you want the new users on. Sudo yum install ansible Generate or obtain the public SSH key(s) that you’ll be deploying to the remote Linux host. In my case i will generate the keys myself but you may obtain them (ideally you would) from the users themselves.

It is an Ansible role to:

Ansible - SSH Key Distribution For Password-less SSH 3 minute read Ansible - SSH Key Distribution For Password-less SSH. When setting up massive scale environments you will likely run into this scenario. How can I distribute a specific user account’s SSH keys for all of my hosts to allow password-less SSH logins between them? SSH keys enable the device running Junos OS to identify the Ansible user as a trusted user. Alternatively, you can provide username and password authentication credentials when you execute modules and playbooks. By default, Ansible for Junos OS modules first attempt SSH public key-based authentication and then try password-based authentication. Nov 22, 2019  home topics contact How to Connect to an ESXi host with Ansible 22 Nov 2019. This guide shows you how to prepare an ESXi host, so that Ansible can be used with SSH Key-Based Authentication to automate administration tasks.

Ansible ssh key password
  • Create user groups
  • Create a single user, add it to any groups you created and configure its shell
  • Set your public SSH key as an authorized key so you can login without a password
  • Enable passwordless sudo

Why would you want to use this role?

When you spin up a new server, you'll often want to set up a non-root user thatyou can login as and run your applications under. That's because running yourapplications as root is a questionable idea from a security point of view.

This role sets you up to do that, but it also includes a few other user relatedtasks, such as what's listed in the above bullets. /aws-generate-key-pair-putty.html. Having all of these thingstogether in 1 role means less work for you to do!

Supported platforms

  • Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial)
  • Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic)
  • Debian 8 (Jessie)
  • Debian 9 (Stretch)

Role variables

Example usage

For the sake of this example let's assume you have a group called app andyou have a typical site.yml playbook.

To use this role edit your site.yml file to look something like this:

Let's say you want to edit the user name, you can do this by opening orcreating group_vars/app.yml which is located relative to your inventorydirectory and then make it look something like this:

Now you would run ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts site.yml -t user.

Ansible Use Ssh Key


$ ansible-galaxy install nickjj.user

Ansible Generate Ssh Keys

Ansible Galaxy

You can find it on the officialAnsible Galaxy if you want to rate it.


Ansible Generate Ssh Key For Another User