Generate Megasol Public Key Token

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  6. Generate Megasol Public Key Token 31bf3856ad364e35

Mar 10, 2018  ssh-keygen tool is used to generate private/public key pair for ssh. By default, tool generates the private (idrsa) and public ( keys in /.ssh/ directory. We can generate the keys. The PublicKeyTokenGenerator class and a small utility that generates Public Key Token from the Public Key using that class. Public Key Token is used by the.Net runtime in lot of places but its generation algorithm is not clearly mentioned in the documentation. When you drag & drop the assembly on its window and select the dropped assembly on the the left, you can see the public key token on the right side of the window. (I also think that the newer versions will also display the public key of the signature, if you ever need that one.


Federation servers require token-signing certificates to prevent attackers from altering or counterfeiting security tokens in an attempt to gain unauthorized access to federated resources. The private/public key pairing that is used with token-signing certificates is the most important validation mechanism of any federated partnership because these keys verify that a security token was issued by a valid partner federation server and that the token was not modified during transit.

Token-signing certificate requirements

A token-signing certificate must meet the following requirements to work with AD FS:

  • For a token-signing certificate to successfully sign a security token, the token-signing certificate must contain a private key.

  • The AD FS service account must have access to the token-signing certificate's private key in the personal store of the local computer. This is taken care of by Setup. You can also use the AD FS Management snap-in to ensure this access if you subsequently change the token-signing certificate.



It is a public key infrastructure (PKI) best practice to not share the private key for multiple purposes. Therefore, do not use the service communication certificate that you installed on the federation server as the token-signing certificate.

How token-signing certificates are used across partners

Every token-signing certificate contains cryptographic private keys and public keys that are used to digitally sign (by means of the private key) a security token. Later, after they are received by a partner federation server, these keys validate the authenticity (by means of the public key) of the encrypted security token.

Because each security token is digitally signed by the account partner, the resource partner can verify that the security token was in fact issued by the account partner and that it was not modified. Digital signatures are verified by the public key portion of a partner's token-signing certificate. After the signature is verified, the resource federation server generates its own security token for its organization and it signs the security token with its own token-signing certificate.

For federation partner environments, when the token-signing certificate has been issued by a CA, ensure that:

  1. The certificate revocation lists (CRLs) of the certificate are accessible to relying parties and Web servers that trust the federation server.

  2. The root CA certificate is trusted by the relying parties and Web servers that trust the federation server.

The Web server in the resource partner uses the public key of the token-signing certificate to verify that the security token is signed by the resource federation server. The Web server then allows the appropriate access to the client.

Deployment considerations for token-signing certificates

When you deploy the first federation server in a new AD FS installation, you must obtain a token-signing certificate and install it in the local computer personal certificate store on that federation server. You can obtain a token-signing certificate by requesting one from an enterprise CA or a public CA or by creating a self-signed certificate.

When you deploy an AD FS farm, token-signing certificates are installed differently, depending on how you create the server farm.

Reimage licence key generator online. There are two server farm options that you can consider when you obtain token-signing certificates for your deployment:

  • A private key from one token-signing certificate is shared among all the federation servers in a farm.

    In a federation server farm environment, we recommend that all federation servers share (or reuse) the same token-signing certificate. You can install a single token-signing certificate from a CA on a federation server and then export the private key, as long as the issued certificate is marked as exportable.

    As shown in the following illustration, the private key from a single token-signing certificate can be shared to all the federation servers in a farm. This option—compared to the following 'unique token-signing certificate' option—reduces costs if you plan to obtain a token-signing certificate from a public CA.

  • There is a unique token-signing certificate for each federation server in a farm.

    When you use multiple, unique certificates throughout your farm, each server in that farm signs tokens with its own unique private key.

    As shown in the following illustration, you can obtain a separate token-signing certificate for every single federation server in the farm. This option is more expensive if you plan to obtain your token-signing certificates from a public CA.

For information about installing a certificate when you use Microsoft Certificate Services as your enterprise CA, see IIS 7.0: Create a Domain Server Certificate in IIS 7.0.

For information about installing a certificate from a public CA, see IIS 7.0: Request an Internet Server Certificate.

For information about installing a self-signed certificate, see IIS 7.0: Create a Self-Signed Server Certificate in IIS 7.0.

Generate Megasol Public Key Token 2017

See Also

Communicate securely with a DEP web service, using a server token.


The device enrollment program (DEP) uses a server token to allow a Mobile Device Management (MDM) server to securely communicate with a DEP web service.

Get a DEP Server Token

To get a DEP server token, the user must complete the following steps. The MDM server product can help by automating some of the steps.

  1. Generate a public/private key pair in Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) format for the MDM server, and store the private key securely on the server.

  2. Sign into the DEP web portal.

  3. Create a new virtual MDM server.

  4. Upload a PEM-encoded X.509 certificate that contains the public key generated in step 1.

  5. Download the S/MIME-encrypted (Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) token file generated by the program web portal.

  6. Decrypt the S/MIME token.

  7. Upload the token file to the MDM server.

Generate Megasol Public Key Token Download

The token consists of these 4 items: the consumer key, the consumer secret, the access token, and the access secret. See Examining Server Tokens for more details.

Deploy the Server Token

The server tokens can be deployed automatically or manually.

Generate Megasol Public Key Token Download


The MDM server must automatically decrypt this file when it's uploaded to the system, using the private key for the DEP web services.


Use the private key and an S/MIME encryption utility to manually decrypt the encrypted token file before it is uploaded to the MDM server. The MDM server then uses the plain-text token file for authentication with the DEP services.

Use the OAuth Credentials

Each service request to the MDM enrollment service must include an X-ADM-Auth-Session header. If the request does not have a valid X-ADM-Auth-Session header, or the auth token has expired, the server returns an HTTP 401 Unauthorized error. A new X-ADM-Auth-Session can be requested by using the endpoint. This endpoint supports the OAuth 1.0a protocol for accessing protected resources.

OAuth requests must provide the server-token fields along with a timestamp (in seconds since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 GMT) and a cryptographically random nonce that must be unique for all requests made with a given timestamp. Download mac os x torrent. Sign the request using HMAC-SHA1, as described in A request might look like:


Multiline headers are deprectated in RFC7230, though are presented above on multiple lines for readability. Your app should use a single line for its request.

The token service validates the request and replies with a JSON payload containing a single key, auth_session_token, that contains the new X-ADM-Auth-Session token. A sample response might look like:

After a period of time, the token expires and the service returns a 401 error code. When this happens, the MDM server must request a new session token.


The Device Enrollment Program service periodically issues a new X-ADM-Auth-Session in its response to other service calls. The MDM server should use this new header value in subsequent calls.


Examining Server Tokens

View sample encrypted and unencrypted tokens to verify your server tokens are in the right format.

Interpreting Error Codes

Generate Megasol Public Key Token Code

Interpret the error codes you might encounter or that can happen during authentication.


See Also

Generate Megasol Public Key Token 31bf3856ad364e35

Authenticating Through Web Views

Use your own custom web interfaces to authenticate users.