Laravel Key Generate Not Working

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I have a table in my database called keys that has this structure:

Jun 17, 2016  Dismiss Join GitHub today. GitHub is home to over 40 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together. In fact, almost everything is configured for you out of the box. The authentication configuration file is located at config/auth.php, which contains several well documented options for tweaking the behavior of the authentication services. At its core, Laravel's authentication facilities are made up of 'guards' and 'providers'. Sep 03, 2017 As I don't like messing around in package source code and pull from develop branch confused me with so many different functions so I decided to create handle function to fire when you run php artisan jwt:generate command. Go to terminal / cmd & type: 'php artisan key:generate' press enter. Step 4: see the key has been changed:) It is because in Laravel 4 By using 'php artisan key:generate' we simply can replace the default key any time. But if it is an empty space it can not be able to hold the place. Enjoy coding:) m/.

Before using Laravel's encrypter, you must set a key option in your config/app.php configuration file. You should use the php artisan key:generate command to generate this key since this Artisan command will use PHP's secure random bytes generator to build your key. If this value is not properly set, all values encrypted by Laravel will be. This post is exactly about what the title said: deploying a Laravel application to Heroku with GitLab CI/CD. As I needed to do it I unfortunately didn’t manage to find any tutorial or post about.

Every time a user logs into my site, I need to generate a new token_id and token_key set for that user. How can I generate a random token for both the token_id and the token_key while keeping the two values unique?

For example, if:

Toast 11 product key generator. 7- Generate your encryption key Laravel requires that you have an encryption key for each of your applications, this is usually randomly generated and stored in your.env file.

  • token_id is dfbs98641aretwsg,
  • token_key is sdf389dxbf1sdz51fga65dfg74asdf


There can be no other row in the table with that combination of tokens. How can I do this?


I’d avoid including an extra package for a case like this one. Something like:

…should do. Replace model name with yours, if different from ‘User’, and use your or suggested functions for creating random strings.


In terms of generating the tokens, you could use one of Laravel’s Helper Functions; str_random().

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This will generate a random string of a specified length, e.g str_random(16) will generate a random string of 16 characters (upper case, lower case, and numbers).

Depending on how you are using the tokens, do they really need to be completely unique? Given that they will match to a user, or I assume you may be using the token_id and then verifying this against the token_key does it really matter if there is a double up of one of them? – although the chances of this are extremely small!

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However, if you do need them to be truly unique you can always use a validator with the unique constraint. Using this package you could also test that the two of them are unique too with unique_with. And then if the validator fails then it generates a new token as needed.

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Based off your examples, you would be using str_random(16) for token_id and str_random(30) for the token_key.

Tags: dom, laravel, random Tappermike swishzone unlock key generator.