Unity Dungeon Generator With Keys

Unity Dungeon Generator With Keys 6,4/10 522 reviews

Three techniques to procedurally generate dungeons with source code (for Unity, C#) I've decided to make the source code for some dungeon generators I wrote publicly available in the hope it can help other developers trying similar things. In the last twelve hours, this generator has been used to construct 5911 dungeons and 1.5 GB of images. About the Generator. Linear Dungeon Generator For Unity Procecural generate a simple dungeon with a linear patch using blocks. The path will always link the first block to the last block along all blocks in the way.

This project provides a level generator that can be controlled by a humanuser to generate tile-based levels as well as episode data that canbe used to train an AI agent for procedural content generation (PCG)through apprenticeship learning.


  • Unity 2017.2.1f1

Working with the project

Open the project in Unity and load the scene Scenes/Editor. This isthe primary scene used for human-controlled level creation.

The tile-based generator

This generator is used to create top down dungeon levels in the style ofadventure games like The Legend of Zelda.

Tile-based levels are created by controlling a “digger” character. At thestart of a level creation session, the digger is presented with a grid filledentirely with blocks. As the digger moves from tile to tile, they “dig out” eachspace that they move to, converting it into a traversable open space. Actionsthe digger can perform are:

  • Movement up, down, left, and right to clear out paths
  • Create small, medium, and large square rooms centered around the digger
  • Place treasure, enemy, and level exit tiles
  • Place keys and locked doors

Human controls

The following keys can be used for manual control of the digger:

  • w, a, s, d or , , , : movement
  • 1: Create small room (3x3)
  • 2: Create medium room (5x5)
  • 3: Create large room (7x7)
  • j: Place treasure
  • k: Place enemy
  • u: Place key
  • i: Place locked door (Note: Keys must be placed before doors can becreated to ensure playability)
  • p: Place level exit
  • Esc: Save and quit the current level generating session
    • Upon quitting, text will appear in a selectable console on the screenwith the path to files containing the generated tilemap and the recordedepisode data (a series of states and actions).
  • Insert: Spawn an AI digger at the starting location which executes a concrete set of actions
  • Delete: Destroys the AI digger


This project generates game dungeons similar to the first zelda dungeons with only normal keys (no key items or breakable walls). The code is based on Joris Dormans' work in dungeon generation for Unexplored.



  • generate a graph of mission graph that describe how to solve the level similar to Mark Brown's Graph in Boss Keys series.
  • generate a 2D grid of equal sized rooms for the mission graph similar to the first zelda dungeon layout. The number of generated rooms will be equal to the number of


The project consists of two generators:

  • Mission Graph: generates a graph that consitute the game's mission.
  • Layout Map: lays down the graph on a 2D grid of cells where each cell can be connected from any of the four main directions (North, South, East, and West).

Mission Graph

The Mission Graph consists of 7 different type of nodes that can be found in the enum ObstacleTowerGeneration.MissionGraph.NodeType. Each node represent different game room:

  • Start: is the room where the level starts.
  • End: is the room where the level ends.
  • Key: is a room that has to have a key in it.
  • Lock: is a room that can only be reached through one door that is locked and require a key to open.
  • Lever: is a room that connects rooms from behind a lock room to rooms that are before.
  • Puzzle: is a room that involve a challenge that need to be passed to move on.
  • Normal: is any other room other than the previous ones.

Every node in the Mission Graph have an access level. An access level is a number that determines how many Puzzle and Lock nodes you passed on before reaching that node. For example: a node with access level of 0 means that it is connected to the start node without having any puzzle or lock nodes in between, while a node with access level of 2 means that there is two nodes of type Puzzle or Lock in between the start node and that node. The access level is very helpful in generating the Layout Map and also for generating Lever nodes.

The Mission Graph uses graph grammar to generate the mission. All the grammar is implemented in grammer/ folder. There is 8 different grammar rules:

  • addNormal: adds a Normal node between two nodes of the same level.
  • addPuzzle: adds a Puzzle node between two nodes of the same level which will raise the second node level.
  • addKeyLock: adds a Lock node between two nodes of the same level which will raise the second node access level, then add a Key node as a branch from the first node.
  • addNormalToKey: add a Normal node between two nodes of the same level where the second node is a Key node.
  • addLever: connects a high access level node to a low access level node using a Lever node.
  • makeLink: connects two nodes of the same access level using a normal link.
  • makeBranching: change the structure of three consecutive nodes to make them as branching nodes.
  • moveLockBack: moves a normal task from behind a Lock node towards before which will decrease its access level.

To adjust the generated Mission Graph use the graphRecipe.txt file. The file consists of several lines where the system applies each line in order for 0 to many times. If any line starts with a # the system will consider it as a comment and ignore it. Each line consists of 3 parts separated with commas:

  • Rule Name: is the name of the rule that need to be applied. If the system didn't find that rule defined, it will apply a random rule. You can use that point to apply random rules by writing random in the rule name.
  • Minimum Number: is the minimum number of times the system has to run that rule.
  • Maximum Number: is the maximum number of times the system has to run that rule.For example: addNormal, 0, 3 means the system will apply addNormal rule between 0 and 3 times. At any time, the user can remove one or two of the arguments. For example: addNormal, 3 will apply addNormal 3 times, while addNormal will apply it 1 time.

Unity Dungeon Generator With Keys Download

Layout Map

The layout map is the physical representation of the Mission Graph in 2D space. The layout map consists of 2D grid of ObstacleTowerGeneration.LayoutGrammar.Cell The layout make sure the start node and end node has only one connections while the rest of cells can have up to four connections (North, South, East, and West).

/windows-7-pro-key-generator-app.html. There is two types of cells:

  • Normal: are cells that corresponds to a certain node in the Mission Graph.
  • Connection: are additional cells that were added to facilitate connections in the physical space.

Each cell has from 1 door up to 4 doors. Doors are the connection between cells in the phyiscal space. There is 4 different door types:

  • Open: means that it is a normal opening between these two cells.
  • KeyLock: means that it needs a key to go through it.
  • LeverLock: means it will open using a lever in the nearby lever room.
  • PuzzleLock: means it will open when solving a puzzle in the nearby puzzle room.

How to use the Code

You can generate a dungeon using generateDungeon function in ObstacleTowerGeneration.Program file. The function takes 3 parameters which identify the number of times the system will try to generate the dungeon. Default values are 100 for each of the dungeon pieces and 100 for the total dungeon.

The generateDungeon function returns a DungeonResult struct. The DungeonResult struct consists of 2 parts:

  • missionGraph: is a ObstacleTowerGeneration.MissionGraph.Graph object that represents the generated Mission Graph.
  • layoutMap: is a ObstacleTowerGeneration.LayoutGrammar.Map obejct that represents the generated Layout Map.


Graph object is a list of ObstacleTowerGeneration.MissionGraph.Node objects that consitutes the full graph. Each node has accessLevel, type, and id properties. accessLevel is an int that reflects the value of the access level of the node, type is an enum that reflects the node Type, and id is a unique integer that identify each node. Node object also have getChildren function that return a list of nodes that are connected to it.

3d Dungeon Generator


Dungeon Generator 5e

Map object has a function called get2DMap that returns a 2D grid of ObstacleTowerGeneration.LayoutGrammar.Map that consitutes the level layout. Each point in the grid can be a null if empty or a ObstacleTowerGeneration.LayoutGrammar.Cell object if it is not empty. Cell objects has type and node properties; and a getDoor function. type is an enum that reflects if the cell type. node is a reference to the corresponding node from the Mission Graph if the cell type is Normal and null otherwise. getDoor function takes an x dir and y dir then returns an enum that corresponds to the door type in that direction.